Chronicle Pro is all about eliminating financial surprises. Here are some of the ways Chronicle saves you time and money (and reduces stress, too):
– Never Forget A Bill
With notifications, and upcoming bills in your menu bar and notification center, Chronicle will always keep you up-to-date.
– Plan For Expenses
Forecast View shows you upcoming bills months in advance.
– Know How Much To Save
Amount-To-Save feature calculates how much you need to save each month for bills that repeat less often, like an annual insurance bill or car registration.
– Eliminate Surprises
Intelligent Estimated Amount Due feature estimates how much is due for bills that vary, like credit cards or utilities, using your payment history and the time of year.
– Remove the Hassle From Paying & Keeping Track of Bills
Pay bills online and log them in seconds using Chronicle’s integrated browser, and keep proof of all your payments, including storing receipts.
If you pay bills, you need Chronicle. It gives you peace of mind and control of your financial future. One late payment can wreak havoc on your credit score, leading to higher interest rates and denied loans—in short, completely affecting your financial life. With Chronicle, you can make sure that never happens.
Plus, Chronicle can sync with the available iOS version, so you always have your bills available wherever you go.
MACWORLD gives Chronicle 4.5 out of 5 mice: “Chronicle is one of the slickest finance apps available for the Mac. It’s easy to use and easy on the eyes, and it’s worthy of a spot on anyone’s dock.”
You can sync Chronicle data with multiple Macs, iPhone and iPad using iCloud. More details are below:
See a quick start video at