Highland 1.9
Highland is the award-winning screenplay editor that lets you focus on the words, not margins. Designed by screenwriter John August and his team, Highland is the better way to write movies and television.
“Highland has changed my entire way of working with scripts. I use it every day.”
— David Wain, Writer/Director/EP of Children’s Hospital
“A powerhouse of features that will help you shine in the screenwriting business.”
— Mac AppStorm (9/10)
“Certainly for those in the film industry, this app is more than worth its price.”
— Macworld (2013 Eddy Winner)
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You write. Highland formats.
Unlike old-fashioned editors, you don’t need to tell Highland which element is a character and which is dialogue. It just knows.
So you can spend your time finding the perfect word, not the right menu command.
When you want to see the layout, quickly toggle between your text and your screenplay preview with ⌘-E. Your hands never need to leave the keyboard.
With one click, Highland turns your words into a perfectly-formatted screenplay, ready to print or export as an FDX or PDF.
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Highland is built by screenwriters, for screenwriters. You’ll love working in an editor designed for writing.
– Dark Mode. Late night inspiration without the eye-strain.
– Full screen mode. The ultimate distraction-free screenwriting experience.
– In-line notes and synopses. Keep your notes right where you need them.
– Smart sections. Organize your script by acts and sequences, not scene headers.
– Syntax highlighting. Highland denotes sections, synopses, notes, and formatting beautifully.
– Smart pagination. Highland knows how to break pages just right, keeping sentences together.
– Boneyard. Keep those scraps and partial scenes handy for reference.
– Easy uppercase. Shift-return transforms a line to uppercase—perfect for and scene headings and character slugs.
– Fountain cheat sheet. Forget how to center something? The answer is a glance away.
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Highland is built for today, and the future.
– Speed. Highland is lean and mean. From scrolling to previews, Highland is blisteringly fast. Because it’s Mac-only, we optimize it using the latest Apple technologies.
– Great typography. Highland features Courier Prime and Highland Sans for exceptional typography right out of the box. Screenwriters shouldn’t have to look at ugly fonts.
– Standards-leading. Created by the same team that helped forge the Fountain standard, Highland speaks Fountain fluently. We’re often the first to incorporate new specs, such as lyrics and forced character names.
– Compatible. Highland is perfect for moving files between Fountain, Final Draft, and PDF formats.
– Built for retina. Highland’s simplicity is even sharper on retina displays.
– Best-in-class PDF melting. Screenplay PDFs are no longer frozen in carbonate. This was Highland’s breakout feature, and remains unequaled.
– Active development. Highland receives regular updates, sometimes twice a month, incorporating user-requested features almost every build.
– Created by working screenwriters. We use Highland every day, which is why we keep refining it.
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Our in-app “Welcome to Highland” (under the Help menu) can walk you though many features.
We also have an extensive FAQ, available both in-app and online:
Send Feedback directly from the Help menu, or reach us online by email at [email protected], or on Twitter @qapps