AntiCC for Adobe CC 2022


Installs the minimum Creative Cloud modules required by Adobe applications.
3.9/5 Votes: 225
macOS v10.12 or later
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Install AntiCC to meet the minimum Adobe Packager, Adobe installer and Adobe app requirements without the need to sign into or install the full CC Desktop app.

What's new

RiD Notes:
- (Still) Based on ACCCx5.7.1.1
- Removed code dealing with trial banner removal (this can be its own, better, thing)
- Installer changed from .app to .pkg (smallest package yet + easier handling of file permissions)


9 comments on "AntiCC for Adobe CC 2022"

  1. somesomesome says:

    I’m not sure but I think the tool basically works like this:

    1. You download the Adobe apps from wherever – official CC or other
    2. Run the tool and then if you check the apps installed the free trials and shit is gone, it is a minimalist design.

    I have used Zii in the past and the trial expired is there but it works, now after I run the AntiCC it’s gone and it is a clean app. I think it works like ZII but it cleanse the apps already installed

  2. Robert says:

    I’ve used computer cleaners to try to remove CC. I’ve installed CC then uninstalled it. Nothing seems to work and I don’t really want to format my computer. I always see this message after running the tool:

    CC Desktop files detected on system.
    AntiCC requires removal of CC Desktop files before running.
    Script will now exit…

  3. evan says:

    is there a way to uninstall official adobe desktop app? I already had multiple adobe apps patched and was using these with anti cc but when i installed another adobe app from a different patch group, it installed the official adobe desktop app and now all the adobe programs show the free trial popup and i cant uninstall the desktop app without uninstalling all the adobe programs on my computer

  4. Thoughtful says:

    I also cannot find the “app” after installation, so the other adobe installers from Cmacked don’t seem to work either.

  5. lux says:

    any news???

  6. Fan says:

    Bruh It’s just some requirements. I don’t know what It is, but I installed it. Apparently It needs to be installed for Adobe products to work.

  7. S says:

    I have the same problem as Sergio. Downloaded, installed, but nothing happens. Can someone please explain how this works?

  8. Sergio says:

    Hello ! Someone can explain me how works AntiCC ???
    I have downloaded , install , but nothing happens , no icons , no terminal , nothing !!!

  9. fatbombs says:

    is it can use for official latest update on lightroom?

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