Shows the remaining battery time and percentage in the menu bar.
The app has a setting to hide the menu bar icon when the power plug is connected, which can be useful if you only care about the battery time/percentage when on battery.
You can hide the system battery indicator by dragging its icon out of the menu bar while pressing the Command key. You can also reorder menu bar icons by dragging them around while pressing the Command key. That means you can place this app exactly where the system battery indicator used to live.
There’s also a preference to notify when the battery is fully charged or at certain percentages.
It also comes with support for Shortcuts (on macOS 12).
Requires a MacBook, MacBook Pro, or MacBook Air.
Tip: Press the Option key while the menu is open to see battery condition and health.
〉The menu bar icon is vertically stretched on a secondary screen.
This is a bug in macOS 11 and later. It’s unfortunately not possible to work around it.
〉Can it show a list of apps using significant energy like the system battery indicator?
It’s unfortunately not possible because of restrictions imposed on apps in the App Store. However, you could change the menu bar item type to text instead of icon and use this app in combination with the system battery indicator.
■ Limitations
= The app is not able to show “apps using significant energy”
– The app does not have a “Charge to Full Now” button
■ Support
Click the feedback button in the app or email me at [email protected]